The Vision

The Vision

Monday, September 30, 2013

Late September

We're getting close to move in.  Late October if all goes well.  Electricians have finished, the floors have been installed and the floor finishers have started today.  We're going to have an old fashion stain and wax finish on the yellow pine tongue and groove floors.  We had thought about a tung oil finish but decide on the wax.  As you may remember I bought the flooring back in December and had stored it wrapped in plastic behind the travel trailer outside... risky, but everything worked out.

Now for the pictures.

Finally put in some irrigation for the peach trees.. it had been hot and dry for some time and watering by hand with three 100 foot hoses got old.

Barn light at night

Finally got satellite TV installed whoohoo!  Trailer antenna only gave me two local channels Plan to move the internet dish to H pole as well.

Wood floor installed


Master bedroom

A nice shot in the morning showing peach orchard and house

Fireplace surround that I built

Note hidden door for gas valve and shotgun, it is Texas after all :)

Brought the Porsche up a couple of weeks ago.. garage at home was getting crowded with moving boxes, etc.

Repeat picture I like

 More floor install pics

Garage lights, lottsa light!

1 comment:

  1. Bob: Things really looking good! I know you and Reg are proud of it. Take care. Ken King
