Second day of full framing saw all of the first floor walls up as well a garage. We are framing with 10 foot tall walls, 2x6 exterior wall construction with 24 inches on center studs - this considered "advanced framing" and provides additional insulation. There will also be 1/2 inch of foam over the house wrap to serve as a thermal barrier to heat/cold through the studs.
This one wall was framed with 16 in on center studs till the boss caught the mistake.
Weather turned nice with 50-60 degrees during the days, still chilly at night.
Rear views
The little vaulted ceiling you see here in in the master bath.
The vaulted ceiling here is over the kitchen. There will be a roof over all of this.
Here you can see the 1/2 in foam being added
Regina came up for the weekend and brought grandson Aidan
Stay tuned, next week will be a big one!
Looking really good, Bob! So much happening. It really looks like a house is emerging. I know you guys are so excited.